IUP Punxsutawney
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney Campus,
Academic and Student Commons Building
As part of the redevelopment of the Punxsutawney Campus, a new academic, administrative, and commons building was designed to replace the existing Old Main building. The Punxsutawney Campus operates as a freshman academic/residency program, serving students transitioning from rural Western Pennsylvania communities to the main campus. The Living Learning Center provides an intimate environment that fosters interaction among students, faculty, and staff. The design is organized around a central open green space and student concourse connecting the academic, commons, and living/learning communities.
The 43,000 sf facility serves the needs of both commuters and resident students, and includes central dining, student activity areas, eight classrooms, two computer laboratories, library, administrative offices, and a science laboratory. The University’s culinary arts program and admission offices are also supported by the building. The Punxsutawney community may also utilize the Center’s amenities for activities and University-sponsored events.
Designed while an Associate with Perkins Eastman Architects
Images © Ed Massery